This made my morning!...receiving a text from a mom, while they are on vacation this week! My ukulele student playing, throughout their time on vacation...Music is becoming a part of WHO. HE. IS...that is my ultimate wish for my's not about whether or not they make a career out of it... it's about loving music and music-making...
Composing songs for piano and/or recorders...students had to create rhythms and dictate pitch levels for their four line song... we have tiered from general rhythmic composition using quartet notes and eighth notes, to notating pitch levels, and working to create comparable phrasing between the four lines... Worked on two chords on ukulele, earned their ukulele karate yellow belt!! Started working on a song that requires two chord changes! Lots of Piano Pet items purchased!! It was so great to see what these kids learned in such a short amount of time... especially since so many came in with very little to no experience on the ukulele, recorder, and/or piano...amazing what they performed for our Virtual Concert today! The kids and I created a Virtual Concert for friends and families via YouTube link...they were excited about the idea of sharing these songs with parents, friends, and families! Piano Pets have arrived at the Piano Studio, and they are awesome! Kids are having a blast spending their money on piano pets as their practice companions! They come to the lesson with students and often sit and observe our lessons!! The kids have been really thinking hard about how to decorate their Piano Pet Palace... we have floors, blankets, decorations, technology, food (health and unhealthy 😍), beverage, activities, and PeeWee Pets (pets for the Piano Pets)... for those celebrating summer hard core, we have beach umbrellas, seas shells, and good reading material!! every new owner receives an adoption certificate and sign a contract saying he/she promises to take care of their pet... what a great summer treat!
Every day, students will be working on recorders, ukuleles, and keyboards. They will not not only be learning to play the instruments, but will also be composing music using each of the different instruments. An extensive notebook has been compiled for each child, which includes tabs for recorder, keyboard, ukulele, composing music, and great composers! Notebooks need to stay at camp until the end of the week so materials will not get lost, however daily activities and projects will be sent home for parent “show-N-tell.” At the end of camp, students will be able to take home all their supplies and notebooks for a musical keepsake! |
October 2024
AuthorElementary Music Specialist in Cobb County Public Schools, Part-Time Professor of Music Education at Kennesaw State University in Georgia, piano teacher to all ages, & mama to three... Categories |